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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hoodia Gordonii Reviews and information

Hoodia GordoniiDog Nutrition Doesn't Just Mean Premium Dog Food

Your pet is a loving member of your family and you love to treat them as one of the family. We are always looking at what we feed our kids. Whether it is their regular meals or the snacks we give them -we want only the best. The same needs to hold true for the pets that are part of our loving family, we need to be aware of what we are feeding them.

More and more, we have become aware of the premium dog foods that are available and the positive affect it can have on our pets? health. What we are less aware of is the availability of premium dog treats. It does not make a lot of sense to give them high quality foods and then give them a doggie treat equivalent of junk food. The idea is to give them a healthy diet all the way around to make sure they are able to have the best quality life possible.

The idea of premium treats is to provide a healthy alternative to the typical treats you find in most stores. Premium treats should be loaded with vitamins, minerals and other health promoting ingredients. What they shouldn?t contain is fillers, binders, artificial ingredients and colors, chemical preservatives etc.

Rawhides are animal hides that are cured, pressed and molded into bone shapes and sold as inexpensive chew treats for dogs. Many manufacturers cure the hides with harsh chemicals; such as, an ash-lye solutions, lime and/or bleach. If the curing process is not enough to help you decide whether or not to feed your dog rawhide, consider the digestive problems of rawhides. Prolonged chewing can cause rawhides to become stringy or break off in small pieces, which can lead to a choking hazards or throat irritations. Rawhides are digested very slowly and can cause intestinal problems, even blockages. There are safe and healthy alternatives to rawhide that can give your dog hours of chewing pleasure.

Dental bones stimulate the teeth and gums to keep them clean and well massaged. This will promote all around, good dental hygiene for your dog. Dogs shouldn't be given any treat or bone that is not digestible and that doesn't break down well in the GI tract because it could cause problems. This is essential for the dogs' complete health and nutritional needs. They deserve nothing but the best from us and that means not only premium dog food, but premium treats as well. If we give them one and not the other, we short-change our pets.

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit premium dog food and treats by Lifes Abundance for more information.

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Orange Peel Powder - Vitamin C Supplement

In order to increase muscle mass, one must first decrease body fat content. One way to increase this mass in to increase the intake of protein, which is the main component of muscle. Foods such as eggs, meats, beans and legumes are high in protein content and are a staple of a body builder�s diet. Not only do these foods help to build muscle, but they also aid in repairs.

An additional way to maintain a protein rich diet is by the use of Body Building Products. There are a plethora of such Body Building Products, powders and shakes readily available on the market today. They are normally an added component of a healthy body builder�s diet. Often times, given their hectic workout schedule, Body Building Products are used in the place of a regular meal. Meal replacement products are not only high in protein and low in fat; they also contain appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in order to help sustain the athlete until their next meal. While Body Building Products were made popular by professional athletes, they are starting to find their way into the mainstream fitness market as well.

Bodybuilding shakes and supplements are available in two forms. Some are ready to eat, or drink, while others require the addition of juice, water or some other liquid before they can be consumed. Some of the more common products used in the bodybuilding arena include amino acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, creatine, and thermagenics. Body Building Products can be purchased in a variety of venues such as health food stores, pharmacies and from online vendors; however, some require a doctor�s prescription before they can be acquired.
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Orange Peel Powder - Vitamin C Supplement



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