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Monday, May 19, 2008

Fruit Juicer Information

Fruit JuicerThe Secret To Health & Wellness Is No Secret

You've seen the make-up of a human cell. Whether it be a form of cancer, obesity, skin disorders, sleep disorders, bone diseases, heart diseases, the undenying truth lies in the fact, that all health and wellness problems are mainly caused because of what you eat, outside elements you can't control, some lack of exercise, plain and simple. If the truth be told, you are what you eat.

When you begin to understand why the body, with its complexe system, is made up of mostly water, proteins, amino acids etc., and the purpose of every part of the body such as the primary purpose of the colon, which is to extract fluids and its nutrients from solid foods for distribution, then one has to conclude that nature plays a vital role on our well being, as it was intended and always will.

So, without wanting to give you a course on the connection between the earth's water supply, the earths foliage and tree system, and the human body (DNA-RNA), realize that there is a fine balancing act between eating naturally and your health no matter what your age and ailments are!

Granted, in a hectic modern society it is not always feasable to stick to mother nature's natural properties. However, and at the very least one should make every effort to give the body what it needs through other forms of natural products, such as in the case of omega-3smfor those who don't eat fish on a regular basis, as an example, to counter act the toxins that go into your body system on a daily basis.

In retrospect, whether you're looking for an alternative treatment to cancer, breast cancer prostate cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and other diseases, remember that most cancers are age related. That is, the older you get the more susceptible you become to developing cancer and other diseases for numerous reasons, but more specifically because of a failing and diminishing, neglected immune system, that has constantly been abused and bombarded by free radicals (outside elements)! Your immune system must be brought back to its natural fighting capacity, by raising glutathione levels.

The secret to alternatives is no secret at all. You must return to natures properties to keep that natural balance in your cells, which only nature (fruits, vegetables, fish) can provide, and raise at all cost your glutathione levels in the interim.

J.G.Michel is author, publisher, and webmaster at
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Listen to an audio by Dr. Gutman, the expert on glutathione!

News on Fruit JuicerGift Certificates

All females should read the section in this Medication Guide "What are the important warnings for females taking Accutane?"

2. Mental problems and suicide. Some patients, while taking Accutane or soon after stopping Accutane, have become depressed or developed other serious mental problems. Symptoms of these problems include sad, "anxious" or empty mood, irritability, anger, loss of pleasure or interest in social or sports activities, sleeping too much or too little, changes in weight or appetite, school or work performance going down, or trouble concentrating. Some patients taking Accutane have had thoughts about hurting themselves or putting an end to their own lives (suicidal thoughts). Some people tried to end their own lives. And some people have ended their own lives. There were reports that some of these people did not appear depressed. No one knows if Accutane caused these behaviors or if they would have happened even if the person did not take Accutane.

All patients should read the section in this Medication Guide "What are the signs of mental problems?"
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Gift Certificates

Joint and Muscle Health

If you are a parent with specific food or eating habit rules and principles, then you should also consider weeding out kid play food items that go against your beliefs. Vegans for example can take out all the meat items. Whether you are a vegan or not however, it is also a good idea to take out all the junk food items or items that may imply eating too much sugar and preservatives. These items can include packs of junk food, pies, hard candies, and cola bottles.

You can encourage kids to become more interested in their kid play food and on food and health in general by bringing your kids to the grocery as you shop for food. It is also a good idea to let your kids help around in the kitchen when you prepare and cook food. Your little boys can be tutored by the father of the house to remove all traces of role stereotypes.

Teach your kids how to play with kid play food by participating. Line up some stuffed toys or have the toys sit on chairs around a table. Help your kid prepare a pretend meal and serve the meal to the stuffed guests. It is suggested that you maintain constant communication with your child as you prepare the pretend meal. Ask her what ingredients are in the meal she is cooking and why these ingredients are good for people to eat. Make �yum-yum� sounds as you feed each stuffed guest.
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Joint and Muscle Health

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