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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Have you heard of Wheatgrass Tablets

Holistic RemediesThe Importance of a Balanced Diet

You are what you eat. You have probably heard that on more than one occasion, and it is a true statement. Everything that goes into your mouth has an impact on your body, your physical health, and even on your mental health. That impact could be positive or negative, depending on what you eat.

Heart Disease affects millions of people all over the world, and scientists have found that diets full of the wrong types of food are a leading cause of heart disease. Cancer has even been related to certain foods, as well as to certain bad habits. In fact, many diseases can be brought on by unhealthy diets.

People with skin problems often find that by making changes in their diets, their skin clears up. People with weak bones start eating a well balanced diet and find that they are stronger. If you have been eating a poor diet, and you change to a healthy diet, you will notice a variety of wonderful changes - not only to your body, but to your state of mind as well.

Your state of mind has a lot to do with what you have eaten. People who fill up on too much sugar often have mood swings. The sugar creates a 'high' of sorts, and the person is energetic, and even happy. But then the sugar makes its way through the system - rather quickly - and the person crashes. They become sluggish and grouchy - until the next sugar high.

A balanced diet should consist of the right amounts of fruits, vegetables, fibers, and proteins. A balance of all of the minerals and nutrients that your body requires is necessary to maintain your body in the way it was meant to be maintained. Think about your automobile. It requires the proper mix of fuel, oil, and water to run properly. If the mixture becomes unbalanced - if there is too much oil, and not enough water, the car will not function properly - and your body works the same way.

Think about what you have eaten today, and then remember - You really are what you eat! Knowing this, and knowing what you ate today, you may be more mindful about what you put in your mouth tomorrow!

About the Author

Kevin regularly writes informative articles about general health issues and healthy living, you can read more at his site:Future Health Guide



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