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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Raw Food Sellers Reviews and information

Raw Food SellersOur Guide on Bee Pollen for Allergy

Is it possible that a seemingly simple naturally found substance could be used in the treatment of allergies? Absolutely! It should be noted however, that if you suffer from a pre-existing bee pollen allergy, you should definitely not take bee pollen for allergies. Similarly, if you have ever experience anaphylactic shock for any reason or caused from any allergic reaction, you should refrain from using bee pollen for allergies.

In order to expand on bee pollen for allergies, we should look at the very properties that make up bee pollen and how the human body can digest them. Bee pollen for allergies or just for the daily maintenance of the body, when taken orally is rapidly and easily absorbed into the blood stream. Even more astonishing is that within two hours of ingesting bee pollen, there are traces of it found in the cerebral spinal fluids, the urine as well as in the blood.

Bee pollen rejuvenates the body, can stimulate organs as well as gland and enhances vitality. Whether taking bee pollen for allergy or for any other reason, how can one go wrong with ingredients that can do all of that for the human body.

Bee Pollen for Allergy and Pollen Allergies

While a bee pollen allergy is quite often very severe and can be life threatening, bee pollen should not be confused with the flower pollen that is blown about by the wind. This type of pollen is often the culprit of many allergies however, allergy-causing pollen is very light and is blown about by the wind with relative ease.

Alternatively, bee pollen is much heavier as well as much stickier than the flower pollen. The actual name of the pollen that the bees collect is called entomophiles meaning, ?friends of the insects? and very rarely causes allergy symptoms. Bee pollen for allergy can incredibly improve allergies, again, aside from a bee pollen allergy.

Bee pollen for allergy sufferers have been tested and shown to have a great deal of significance in the treatment of allergies. Many people who test positive for hay fever symptoms and allergies, that takes bee pollen orally, averaged in a study 75 percent of the patients showed an unbelievable improvement.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

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Raw Food Sellers DiscussionAlarm Clock and Light Therapy Pad

Antioxidants - including beta carotene, vitamins C and E, for protection against free radicals; found in vegetables and fruits. Antioxidants not only protect your cognitive skills but also may reduce the risk of heart disease and protect against certain forms of cancer. Another good reason to increase your vegetable intake.

Nutrients required to produce neurotransmitters - for instance, eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient that helps to stave off memory loss due to ageing. Yogurt and turkey are rich in tyrosine, precursors of other important neurotransmitters. Tyrosine becomes depleted when we are under stress. We do not need to learn the whole list if we ensure our diet is varied enough. A varied diet guarantees an adequate supply of micronutrients without having to perform complicate calculations. When a food group is excluded, either for health reasons or preference, it is necessary to check if we need to supplement of certain nutrients.

The right fat � our brain is mostly fat and the latest evidence suggests that trans-fatty acids congest the system while omega-3 fatty acids keep it working. And where can you find omega-3 fatty acids? The best source is oily fish, packed not only with omega-3 but also many other brain friendly minerals and nutrients, not present in other vegetable sources of this fatty acids, like flax. Fish is indeed brain food.
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