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Friday, October 10, 2008

Not just A blog about St Johns Wort Powder

St Johns Wort Powder NewsTanita Alcohol Sensor

Once lipids are disassembled in the intestinal lumen and mucosal cell (enterocyte) they are reassembled in the mucosal cell as chylomicrons (CM's) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL's). These vehicles contain primarily nonpolar cholesterol esters and triglycerides in the core and polar cholesterol, protein, and phospholipids in their membranes. (Fig. 20)

[ Lipoproteins Image ]
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor

Holistic HealingHoliday Dieting; A Sweet Way To Cheat!


Holiday Dieting; A Sweet Way To Cheat!

If your diet is making you a humbug this season, theres some good news. Turns out dark chocolate, that decadent confection, may actually be good for you!

Yes, recently conducted studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have shown that a dose of dark chocolate will heed all sorts of healthy results. And with the holidays just around the corner, this news couldnt have come at a better time.

So just for fun, I thought Id conduct a mini-research project of my own and get the skinny on our friend dark chocolate. Heres some of the interesting factoids I came up with:

Cocoathe precursor to chocolate--has been around a long time. A few thousand years, in fact. It has been thought that cocoa beans were brought to Europe in the 1500s by Christopher Columbus.

Cocoa, later made into chocolate, was given to American Soldiers in WWII. A source of high energy, each solider was given a three chocolate bar per day ration, according to historical data.

Researchers started getting more involved when studies began showing that in addition to being a high energy food, chocolate also seems to stimulate elevated moods. Researchers found truth to this, showing that dark chocolate does, in fact, increase levels of the mood-altering chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins.

Some researchers have also gone on to conduct major studies to prove the correlation between chocolate and a true physiological craving. (Check out Why Women Need Chocolate, written by Debra Waterhouse, Registered Dietician in 1999).

And, the best news yet. Upon further study, it has been found that the flavonoids in dark chocolate are scientifically proven to act as antioxidants, preventing bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood from oxidizing and clogging arteries.

So, if you are looking for a healthy way to cheat this holiday season, dark chocolate may not be all together a bad option. Facts aside, however, and before you run out to fill your shopping cart full, keep these guidelines in mind:

Heed the advice of Aristotle: Everything in moderation. Refrain from taking the chocolate factory tour. Keep your chocolate fix to a minimum. Enjoy it, but please dont over do.

When you are shopping for chocolate, try to find dark varieties with at least 70% cocoa.

Also, make sure sugar or butter fat are not the first items listed.

If youd like to skip the treat and not the fun, send a virtual chocolate postcard from this fun chocolate website (no calories included) :

To summarize my findings, it appears that dark chocolate is in fact our friend (and we will just leave its aphrodisiac qualities to your own private discussion groups, thanks).

As for the cravings.Well, do we really need chocolate?

Survey says: Dunno. But, with the holidays upon us, a Hersheys Special Dark Chocolate once in a whilenow available in the sugar free variety, mind you--sounds sweet enough to me.

(Research Ref: Eat To Beat Cancer, Hatherill. 1998 St. Martins Press, New York)

Laura Turner, Certified Personal Trainer has developed a series of health, fitness, and nutrition tips available at ===> In 21 days you can create healthy new you,let her show you how! Get her free report: 7 Steps to a High Performance Body by sending a blank email to: ===>

Don't Leave Your Loved Ones In the Lurch!! The importance of creating medical directives and other legal documents prior to a medical emergency.Melissa Rivers

The last thing I remember is being told, "Not to worry; you'll be up and bouncing by this time tomorrow. This is really no big deal." He grinned at me, so I didnt worry and tried my best to smile back at the surgeon as I drifted out. Oh boy, was I wrong. Well, learning the hard way seems to be the only way I really learn my lessons.

I finally awoke from the coma two-and-a-half weeks later -- simple appendectomy my foot! It was during the next week recuperating in the hospital that I learned just how hard it had been on my family. Mind you, I had drawn up a simple medical directive, but nobody seemed to know where it was located. To make matters worse, I had completely failed to establish all the other legal documents that would have guided my loved one's on my behalf. In addition to worrying whether or not I would survive, they were left fretting over my business interests, home and other assets; it was too much to deal with under stress.

The first real project I undertook after finally being released from the hospital was to establish the legal documents that should have in place ahead of time. A simple healthcare directive, or just telling a loved one your wishes, is not enough. It took me less than an hour, with the guidance of legal software, to draw up some very important documents -- a Financial Power of Attorney, a Medical Power of Attorney, and an updated Medical Directive to Physicians.

Have your attorney draft the legal documents if you wish, but be aware that it's very easy to do-it-yourself, not to mention far cheaper. You can purchase legal software as I did (Nolo's Quicken Personal Lawyer Deluxe 2002, available at computer stores and at In addition to Power of Attorney, such software usually covers Living Trusts, Wills, Executor Documents, and a variety of other legal forms for daily use. Look for inexpensive, slightly outdated versions at or your local used bookstore.

Another option is to go online and pay a low fee (typically less than $10/form) to fill out interactive forms that will guide you through printing out the completed legal documents on your own equipment at home. Here are a few web sites that can help:

If you're not satisfied with what you find among those, do a Boolean string search at by typing in Power of Attorney + your state. It's just that simple.

One final step; be sure to give copies of these documents, after they've been witnessed and notarized, to your loved ones. You should also inform them of the location of other important documents such as insurance papers, will or trust, deed, car title, stocks and bonds, bank and tax records, etc. Please, please, please, don't follow my bad example, leaving your loved ones or friends in the lurch as I did!

Melissa Rivers has been a freelance writer for 17 years. She has written for Random House and Prentice Hall, articles for numerous national and local magazines, and an array of interactive articles for a variety of online e-zines. For the past few years her focus has switched from travel writing to senior issues. She edited How To Find Great Senior Housing, written by Phyllis Staff, PhD, and is a contributor to which focuses on the issues of caring for older adults.

GABA: An Inexpensive, Natural, and Effective Way to Increase HGHDanielle Sims

Suppose you can turn back the hands of time to 10 years ago. You would look younger, have more energy, and be slimmer. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is a chemical produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. HGH is reported to decline starting at the age of 25. Some of the many benefits of increasing this hormone in the body are:

oLose fat, gain muscle
oIncrease energy level
oEnhance sexual performance oIncrease cardiac output
oRemove wrinkles
oEliminate cellulite
oIncrease memory retention oImprove sleep quality
oImprove skin elasticity
oIncrease exercise endurance oIncrease bone mass

HGH supplements can cost from $49.95 all the way up to several hundred dollars for a one month supply. Recently, an amino acid called GABA has been shown to help increase HGH when taken internally. You can enjoy the benefits of HGH without paying a high price.

What is GABA?

GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid) is a gamma neurotransmitter (A neurotransmitter is a substance that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. A synapse is a region where nerve impulses are transmitted across axon terminals.). It's in high concentration in the hypothalamus, so it plays a significant role in hypothalamic-pituitary function. The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland affecting all hormonal functions of the body including Growth Hormone.

A study from the First Medical Clinic at the University of Milan in Milan, Italy showed "In all of the 19 subjects studied, compared with 18 controls, plasma growth hormone levels were significantly increased (above 5 mg/ml) by acute oral administration of 5 g of GABA " The hypothalamus is a region of the posterior section of the brain and is the regulating center for visceral (instinctive) Functions such as sleep cycles, body temperature, and the activity of the pituitary gland.

There have been literally hundreds of clinical studies on GABA and numerous studies on GABA's ability to elevate growth hormone levels.

This study showed over a 5 1/2 fold increase in plasma growth hormone levels 90 minutes after GABA administration. That is a significant increase unmatched by any other nutritional means.

GABA's growth hormone elevating effects is said to rival that of potent pharmaceutical compounds.

Maximum Results

To benefit from GABA's ability to increase growth hormone levels and fat burning capabilities, you can start by taking 3-5 mg per day. HGH is released within 90 minutes of falling asleep so if GABA is being used for fat loss it should be taken immediately before bed. Taking GABA before bedtime will also help improve sleep cycles leading to more restful and also has a calming affect. If GABA is being used for it's calming properties or any of it's other positive benefits it may be taken anytime.

The powdered form of GABA is ideal since it will be absorbed in the quickest amount of time. Mix the powder in 8 ounces of water or juice. This dosage should be taken at night, 30 minutes before bedtime.

Where can you purchase GABA?

You can find GABA at your local health food store or vitamin store. Be sure to purchase the powdered form fro immediate absorption. You may have also seen the ads that are popping up all over the internet for a product called Dream Shape ( This product is 100% pure GABA powder. They offer a free 2 week trial size of Dream Shape. If you decide to continue with the product, then they will send you a month supply every month and charge you $29.95 each month.

You can also get high quality 100% GABA powder at a discount supplement store online. Afforedable Supplements ( online store carries several name brand 100% GABA powders at a substantial discount. Their prices range from $13.95 - 16.95 per 1 month supply.

GABA is a great addition to any weight loss and diet program. The added benefit of the anti-aging affects of increased HGH levels is a definite plus.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information visit Danielle's website

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  • At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It has become increasingly hard to source Gaba powder here in the UK. Only a few retailers sell it. The alternative is getting it shipped over from the US.


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