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Monday, January 12, 2009

MSM Capsules for nutrition

Healthy & Natural Journal - MSM - methylsuiphonylmethane dietary supplements

Fri, 01 Dec 2000 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 2000 -- NOW R] introduces MSM (methylsuiphonylmethane) in both I g. capsules and pure powder form. This biologically active farm of organic sulfur increases...

MSM CapsulesStaying Fit & Healthy At The Holidays!

Holidays are the "most wonderful time of the year." However, they can come with some of the greatest anxiety. Routines change, tempting food prevails... on average, Americans gain 1 lb at the holidays and the majority of them don't lose it in the new year. After several years of festive holiday weight gaining, this can add up! Listed below are some great tips on how to enjoy the holidays while staying active and eating sensibly.


-Plan to be healthy with your family this year! Share your goals with them and get them revved up to partake in your activities! Everyone wants to feel good, especially during the holidays! Eat & move for energy!

-Don?t put your fitness plan on hold until the New Year. If you can?t exercise as often during this time period as you normally do, find a way to add activity into the things that are taking up your time? For example ? if you have to go shopping for gifts instead of to the gym one afternoon, spend and extra 15 minutes at the end walking up and down the mall. Focus on maintaining activity verses trying to increase it when time is tight!

-On days that you don?t have time for a workout, take 10 minutes in your day to do some form of activity ? even if it is just lunges around your house or a push-up, sit-up and lunge circuit! 10 minutes of vigorous activity will get the heart pumping, blood flowing, muscles moving, calories burning and energy refreshed.


-During a celebration, go through the buffet line one time and allow yourself to take what you want. Do not go back for seconds. Seconds, thirds and fourths are when you lose all sense of control!

-If you enjoy baking, commit to giving away a portion of everything you make. This allows you to make other people smile while you keep your indulging to a minimum!

-Give yourself permission to enjoy a ?big? day, just try to stay within moderation. You can have a piece of pie, but don?t have two pieces of pie in the same sitting! Try sharing a piece instead.

-Don?t skip meals. Try to eat 5 small meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar/energy levels the same and avoid cravings/hunger headaches. Many people ?reason? that on big eating days, they shouldn?t eat breakfast or lunch so that they can ?indulge? at the big meal. By doing this, you are likely to take in 2-3 times as many calories than if you would eat throughout the day. (some experts have estimated saving up for one big meal can mean you take in 4500-5000 calories in one sitting!)

-Eat Slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send the signals to your brain to let it know you are full. Chew your food well and always drink some water in-between each bite. This will help in digestion, create that ?full? effect quicker and help you to slow down.

-Begin a meal with a salad and a glass of water. The salad will increase your fiber intake, allow you to feel fuller quicker and provide you a serving of vegetables. The water helps to stimulate the signal to the brain that the stomach is getting full.

-Quarter your plate into sections. One quarter should be protein, another carbs, the other two should both be vegetables and/or fruit.

-Eat Fiber. It also contributes to a feeling of fullness and honestly, our American diet doesn?t cater to getting enough of it in!

-OH THOSE OFFICE GOODIES! Come prepared! You know that someone will be bringing in cookies, or holiday snacks and cakes and all of the other regulars. Arm yourself with healthy snacks so that as those afternoon munchies come on, you don?t head into the breakroom for round two of ?temptationland?.

-When going to a party, eat a light meal or snack ahead of time so that you aren?t starving by the time you get there. When you are hungry, appetizers are easy to overindulge in and can add calories up quick.

-At holiday dinners, avoid breaded foods, extra rolls, gravy, dressings, butter and cheese. Select grilled meats and try dressing them up with mustards, cranberry, and spices.

-Keep track of your alcohol consumption. The average alcoholic drink contains 150-200 calories per glass. In just 2-3 drinks, you?ve drunk the equivalent to a meal! If you want to have a drink, especially on days where you are planning a big meal, choose wisely. For example, instead of having a full glass of wine, try mixing half a glass of wine with a diet soda or sparking water. This will help cut your calories in half. Also, avoid the drinks that involve sweet mixes and multiple liquors. Sugar and calories add up fast!

-Focus on the people & conversation, not the food. Make your focus to spend time with family and friends catching up on the year-in-review!

Julie Wilkes, M.A. - Exercise Physiology, Owner, PushPoint Fitness

For more tips and exercise plans, visit Julie at PushPoint Fitness.

MSM Capsules DiscussionOrganic Hemp Shake

Pets today suffer from allergies, skin problems, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, liver and kidney failure, and other serious illnesses. These conditions have been exacerbated by the tainted foods we feed our pets, and the lack of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients in their diets. Commercial grade pet foods may contain harmful additives and processed grains, instead of high quality proteins. These foods weaken the immune system, providing the environment for disease to gain a foothold.

Improving your pet's health is relatively simple. It is a matter of feeding your pets natural, whole foods, and ensuring a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients is achieved. I recommend the following basic diets for dogs and cats, try them and watch your best friend grow healthier and happier before your very eyes!
Visit this website for more Info on...
Organic Hemp Shake

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