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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pau Darco Updates

Pau Darco ReviewsFreeplay Rechargeable Radios

Not only does graded exercise improve stamina via increased RBC production and oxygen uptake, it provides a lux (unit of light) boost in SAD sufferers, and provides a new purpose and routine to depressed patients.
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Freeplay Rechargeable Radios

Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

One way to find out if your weight puts you at risk for diabetes is to look at your body mass index, or BMI, which is based on a calculation of your height and weight. Use our BMI calculator to find out.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

Libido for Men

Regulation of Trans Fats

Should we regulate the amount of trans fats contained in the food we eat? A Canadian government task force on trans fats is recommending that all vegetable oils and spreadable margarines have the trans fat content limited to 2% of the total fat content and all other foods be limited to a maximum of 5% of total fat content. These new regulations would decrease the average trans fat intake by at least 55%.

What are trans fats? Fatty acids in foods are made up of polyunsaturated (like safflower oil, sunflower oil and corn oil), monounsaturated (like olive oil, peanuts, and avocados), saturated (like coconut oil, palm oil, butter and cheese) and trans fats (like margarine and shortening). Saturated and trans fats are linked to coronary heart disease. The majority of trans fats are produced by the food industry when it uses a process called hydrogenation to turn liquid vegetable oils into semi-solid products. This process hardens and stabilizes the oils, enhances the flavor and extends the shelf life of food products. These trans fats also break down less easily which makes them more suitable for frying. The majority of trans fats are found in foods made with shortening, margarine or partially-hydrogenated oils and in baked goods like crackers, cookies and donuts and in fried foods like french fries and fried chicken. The trans fat content of some of these foods can be as high as 45% of the total fat in the food product. Trans fats also occur naturally at fairly low levels in ruminant-based foods like dairy products and beef and lamb.
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Libido for Men



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