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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Did you hear of Health

Reviews of Chinese Goji BerrysOrganic Hemp Shake

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin.

It is manufactured in the skin by being exposed to sunlight.

As you get older, your need for Vitamin D increases because even with sufficient sunlight, your body may not be able to manufacture enough Vitamin D.
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Organic Hemp Shake

Sinus Health

Like many sufferers of the acid reflux disease, you may be aware of many possible medications and lifestyle changes that can help you relieve your symptoms. One of these is to consume an acid reflux disease diet. This will not only help you to prevent and soothe the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but will also aid in improving your overall health, as the recommendations in any acid reflux disease diet are very beneficial to the body in general. You may also find that other digestive and health ailments are improved as a by-product of the acid reflux disease diet, which makes it a very good plan to try out for several reasons.
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Sinus Health

Chinese Goji BerrysHealthy Eating Can Reduce Risks of Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death and disability
for both men and women in the Western World. Overweight people are more
likely to have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease
and stroke, than people who are not overweight.

Very high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fats) can
also lead to heart disease and often are linked to obesity. Being overweight
also contributes to angina (chest pain caused by decreased oxygen to the heart)
and sudden death from heart disease or stroke without any signs or symptoms.

Several types of cancer are associated with obesity. In women, these include
cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovary, breast, and colon. Overweight
men are at greater risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum, and prostate.

Nutritionists have always linked eating fruits and vegetables with reduced risk
for heart problems. More evidence shows that consumption of saturated fat,
trans fat, and dietary cholesterol increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

There are thousands of foods in the world, and all of them have some nutrients.
The World's Healthiest Foods, however, are those, which are the most nutrient dense.
Nutrient density is a measure of the amount of nutrients a food contains in comparison
with the number of calories it has. The higher the level of nutrients compared to the
number of calories, the more nutrient dense a food is.

You can reduce your risk of developing this type of diabetes by both losing weight
and by increasing your physical activity. Healthy Foods are nutrient dense,
they provide the essential nutrients that promote good health. These foods
also aid the body in eliminating toxins and some increase your metabolism.

Fish oils and olive oils are healthy fats that target abdominal fat.
Dairy foods, fish, soy, nuts, olive oil and green increase the body's
fat burning process.

Foods that are high in potassium, a mineral that is abundant in vegetables and
fruits, helps the kidney excrete excess sodium. Many people with high blood
pressure take water pills that provide this same function. The secretion of
sodium helps to contribute to a healthy blood pressure.

That means these nutrient rich foods have the power to help you look and feel
your best, Fruits and vegetables can provide long-term health benefits.
If eating right can reduce our risks of health problems - why doesn't everybody do it?

Start eating healthy today with the healthy menu planner at and start to significantly lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Healthy food can be delicious, easy and inexpensive. See for yourself today.

Dietitian David Grotto believes in ‘101 Foods That Could Save Your ... - Worcester Telegram

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:51:25 GMT

Dietitian David Grotto believes in ‘101 Foods That Could Save Your ...
Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 5, 2008
Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries and goji berries, also known as “wolfberry,” are two foods that are gathering a fan base, according to Grotto. ...

Studies Show Goji Berries Are Among the Most Nutritious Foods on ... - Natural

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 16:04:05 GMT

Studies Show Goji Berries Are Among the Most Nutritious Foods on ...
Natural, AZ - Apr 2, 2008
According to Chinese legend, a man that ate Goji soup lived to be 252. Researchers began studying Goji Berries expecting to find similar results to other ...

Expo West Explosion! - The Beverage Network

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 15:37:52 GMT

Expo West Explosion!
The Beverage Network - Mar 19, 2008
Bossa Nova – is launching a new 5 SKU Superfruit Juice line available in Acerola Juice with Mango, Acerola Juice with Red Peach, Goji Berry Juice with Tart ...

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