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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Raw Cacao Nibs Information

HealthHow and Why The No Flour-No Sugar Diet Works

No flour, no sugar = fewer calories

The key to weight loss is simply to burn more calories than you take in. In the simplest of terms, then, my No Flour, No Sugar Diet works because eliminating flour and added sugar from your diet, without making other changes, reduces the number of calories you consume. I have found, and my patients? successes have verified, that eliminating flour and sugar from your diet is a simple way to cut calories instantly. Replacing high-calorie breads, for instance, with low-calorie vegetables and legumes will take a big chunk out of your caloric intake without leaving you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. Likewise, by replacing sugar and honey with no-calorie sweeteners, you can feed your sweet tooth while cutting calories.

To see how eliminating flour and sugar from your diet can dramatically reduce the number of calories you consume, let?s compare the caloric content of two breakfasts -- one with flour and sugar and one without. If you normally start your day with a bagel (about 250 calories) spread with a pat of butter (50 calories) and a tablespoon of strawberry jam (50 calories), and coffee with two teaspoons of sugar (30 calories), you?re eating about 380 calories. Simply switching to old-fashioned oatmeal (100 calories) with one cup of skim milk (90 calories), a medium apple (80 calories), and coffee with artificial sweetener (0 calories), will save you 110 calories. You will also have reduced your fat intake from 7.5 grams to 2 grams, increased your fiber from 1 gram to 7 grams, and added 400 milligrams of calcium. And that?s just breakfast.

As the above comparison clearly shows, eliminating flour and sugar from your diet is a simple way to rid your meals of many unnecessary calories. As an added bonus, you may find you?ll automatically reduce the amount of fat you eat. Without bread and jelly, for instance, what fun is high-fat peanut butter? No flour means no cheesy pizza, no pasta in cream sauce, and no buttery cookies. Eliminating sugar means no more fat-laden ice cream or cake with buttercream frosting.

One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. In order to lose one pound in a week, you need to consume 500 fewer calories a day or burn 500 more a day -- or in a perfect world, a little of each. If you could make dietary changes such as those mentioned in the breakfast example above, cutting 110 calories from every meal you eat, you?d easily be more than half way there.

Avoid products containing any kind of flour, including wheat, rice, and corn flours, or refined or concentrated sugars (cane sugar, beet sugar, glucose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, etc.). Whole grains and starchy vegetables, such as wheat berries, barley, brown rice, corn, and potatoes can add bulk to your meals. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit and products sweetened with fruit -- as long as they don?t contain added sugar. You can also enjoy sugar-free soda, chewing gum, and even many of the light ice creams now available that are sweetened with Splenda or other artificial sweeteners. Snack on raw vegetables and fresh fruit -- excellent low-calorie sources of important nutrients and fiber.

Cutting the unnecessary, or ?empty,? calories of flour-based, sugary foods from your diet is a simple and relatively painless way to move toward your goal. Add an extra half hour of physical activity a day -- a brisk walk, a game of tennis, or a spin on the treadmill -- and you can expect easily to lose a pound a week until you reach your desired weight.

Slow and steady wins the race

While calorie reduction is the key to losing weight, it is important to remember that calories are our bodies? fuel. They provide the energy we need to perform normal daily activities. While consuming more calories than our bodies require leads to weight gain, it is important -- even while you?re trying to shed unwanted pounds -- to eat enough calories to get the nutrients and energy your body requires to function optimally. That is why diet and health experts generally agree that the most effective diets are those on which you lose no more than one to two pounds per week.

To facilitate fast and dramatic weight loss, many fad diets require you to decrease your caloric intake to levels that are inadequate to insure you?re getting the nutrients you need. Furthermore, weight that is lost quickly is very likely to come back just as fast when you stop starving your body. A slow, steady approach will maintain your health while producing the results you desire -- and you?re more likely to keep the weight off over time. You?ll have a bad week here and there, but don?t be discouraged. It happens to the best of us. Even if you don?t meet your one-pound goal in a given week, stick with the diet and the weight loss will average out over time.

A diet for (just about) everyone

Because my No Flour, No Sugar Diet encourages eating a wide variety of foods from all of the food groups -- including ample amounts of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains -- it is suitable for just about anyone, no matter what his or her age or activity level. Everyone, from young children to older adults, can benefit from cutting empty calories from highly processed foods out of their diet. People with specific medical conditions -- including diabetes, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, and so on -- are advised to seek the advice of the medical specialist who is treating them for that condition before making any major changes in their diet or activity level. That said, the No Flour, No Sugar Diet provides guidelines for healthy eating that can be adapted to suit a wide range of special dietary or medical needs.

The average American today consumes 500 more calories per day than in 1970.

Copyright ? 2006 Peter H. Gott, MD from the book Dr. Gott's No Flour, No Sugar Diet
by Peter H. Gott, MD with Robin Donovan Published by Warner Wellness; January 2007;$21.99US/$27.50CAN; 978-0-446-58248-3

Peter H. Gott, MD, is the author of the nationally syndicated newspaper column ''Ask Dr. Gott." His articles have appeared in USA Today, the New England Journal of Medicine, Saturday Review, and other publications. He has a general practice in rural Connecticut. Visit for more information.

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Another blog about Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets

Optimum Source Chlorella TabletsUse Local Distractions To Help You Stick To Your Diet While On Vacation

Vacations should be a luxurious time to indulge oneself and have fun. Though it does lead to eating out more often, it also removes many of the day's temptations: you won't be wandering over to the kitchen when you're bored, or overindulging at the grocery store and then feeling "obligated" to eat what you've bought.

Spend time in the pool, on the sand, and at the shops, not at the restaurants. Most vacation hot spots are ideal for eating on the go; you can pick up a small meal from a roadside vendor and eat it while walking the boardwalk and enjoying the sights and sounds.

Don't make food about suffering. If the smell of saltwater taffy engulfs you, treat yourself--to one. Having a small amount will indulge your craving without compromising your diet. Better yet, after you buy your taffy, don't begin eating it until you've walked far enough away to avoid being tempted by the smell.

Try making a rule like, "If I eat, I need to enjoy a fun activity, too: a walk, bike ride, swim, tennis, putt-putt, etc." Then coordinate daily "pairings" or events with meal planning. Life, including vacations, does not have to be all about food. Nor does it have to focus on food.

Vacations and meals out are intended to be enjoyment, not torture. If you do go a little overboard, it's important not to beat yourself up over it. Forgive yourself and get on with life. Simply use that experience to learn where you can improve the next time you are in that situation.

With the right approach, eating out can be a pleasurable experience. Remember, a successful diet is a lifelong lifestyle modification. You need to be able to incorporate healthful eating out activities into your routine.

What happens if you DO stress? Add extra activities to your schedule. Swim some laps. Walk or jog. Leave your wallet in the trunk and go to a mall for a shop-walk. Take a tour. Visit a museum. Enjoy a park and feed the ducks. Just get out, focus on something else and enjoy life.

About the Author

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For great diet products go to

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Characteristically speaking, the Mediterranean diet has high consumption of olive oil. Breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables likewise have a high rate of consumption in the diet. Fish and poultry as well as wine are moderately consumed while eggs and red meat are rated as very low in consumption.

The problem with most diets is that they tend to be extreme. Some diets, like the vegetarian diet, limit a person to just eating fruits, tofu, yogurt and vegetables. Other diets would require high protein intake while severely limiting intake of the other food groups. Like a user friendly computer, the Mediterranean diet does not go to extremes to achieve a desired result. The diet allows for consumption of tasty foods. This allows the dieter to actually enjoy the gastronomic delights normally prohibited by other diets. A solid testament to this fact rests on the presence of wine in the diet.

The most surprising aspect of the Mediterranean diet is that fat is regarded as a healthy dietary component. Keep in mind that it is the fat that gives food most of its flavor. Two substances, omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, are considered to be healthy and are not restricted in the diet. Olive oil, canola oil and nuts are good sources of monounsaturated fat while fish, vegetables and nuts contain the healthy omega-3 acids. Saturated fats and trans fat, on the other hand are considered to be unhealthy as they contribute to heart disease. Red meat, butter cheese and milk are sources of saturated fat while processed foods contain hydrogenated oils from which trans fat comes from.
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