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Sunday, September 21, 2008

A blog about Devils claw Herb

Devils claw HerbHealthy & Natural Journal - Glucosamine With Herbs

Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:00:00 GMT
February 1, 2001 -- Nature's AnswerR] Glucosamine with Herbs is an alcohol-free liquid dietary supplement designed for the relief of muscle and joint discomfort. It...

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Recent information on Detox

Detox DiscussionOrganic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Depression Screening � A Cruel Fraud; Exposing �National Depression Screening Day�

Why is Depression Screening a fraud?
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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater

Anorexia: The treatment of anorexia has three main phases:
�Restore weight loss
�Treat psychological issues such as depression, self-esteem, and interpersonal conflicts
�Achieve long-term recovery and remission

The use of anti-depressants for treating anorexia should be considered only after weight gain has been established.
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Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater

Dead Sea Spa Bathtime Bliss Santa Sack
Health & Beauty
Yerba Mate Tea Leaf - 125g
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Chinese Goji Berries Reviews and information

Nutritional Authority Discusses Your Metabolism and Chocolate

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:13:20 EDT
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at In thi...

Himalayan Tibetan Goji Juice, The Best Kept Anti-aging Secret Of Our Time

Sun, 18 Feb 2007 23:14:32 EST
Tibetan Goji Juice is finally gaining in popularity and it is about time. Thanks to the clinical trials being done in China, Japan, Mongolia and Switzerland, we are getting the much needed informatio...

Grocer - Now safety watchdogs are gunning for gojis.(goji berries banned for health concerns)(Brief article)

Sat, 17 Feb 2007 08:00:00 GMT
February 17, 2007 -- Fans of the goji berry could soon find themselves unable to buy the fruit as food-safety watchdogs prepare to ban it. Retailers have already been...

SheKnows : Food and Cooking : Fruits and Vegetables : Debunking ... -

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 17:04:00 GMT
Ten years ago, had you ever heard of goji (or wolf) berries or noni? Weren’t cranberries just the canned jelly you had with your turkey at Thanksgiving, and broccoli the stuff ...

Chinese Goji Berries DiscussionMenopause

Your pet deserves the chance to live a healthy lifestyle, just the same as its owners do. By providing nutritional, healthy wholesome premium dog and cat food for your pet, you can show your best friends how much you really care for them.
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Kelp Powder

The Mediterranean Diet - High In Fat But Healthy
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Kelp Powder

Female Reproductive Health

A natural and organic treatment for the skin has the same importance for your inner health as a natural and organic food. The natural and organic skin care routine becomes the new way of finding the right approach to feed the skin.

Skin requires water, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, proteins for its cells as much as your inner body needs them for a proper metabolic function of its organs. This is the natural and valid way of obtaining a younger looking skin for a long period of time while keeping the skin healthy.
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Female Reproductive Health

Chinese Goji BerriesImproving Nutrition of HIV Infected Children in East Africa

Following increased problems in nutrition of HIV-infected children, I have started working on a project aimed at improving the nutritional status of infants and children infected by HIV in East Africa. Currently hundreds of thousands of infants and young children under the age of five years in Uganda alone are living with the virus and about 25,000 children per year risk contracting the virus if there is no timely intervention.

Actually increased spread of HIV and AIDS is scarring the lives of many children and threatening the future stability and full potential of nations especially those in developing world. Vast numbers of children are born with the virus and suffer throughout their short lives, while millions more battle to grow up in the world where the threat of HIV-infection is ever present. It is well established that HIV infection impairs the growth of children early in life with growth faltering observed even before the onset of symptomatic HIV-infection. HIV-infected children are more likely to be born with low birth weight and therefore start life with impaired nutrition. Poor growth is associated with increased risk of mortality. Improving the nutritional status of the infected children is more likely is to prevent growth faltering and associated early death.

Thus, HIV-infected children are likely to live longer and healthier lives like other children with improved dietary intake and early prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections. Many deaths among HIV-infected children under the age of five years are attributable to malnutrition especially because most of them are born underweight and have decreased body immunity. Malnutrition affects the immune system of infected children leading to decreases in CD4 which exposes them to opportunistic infections. HIV-infected children have increased energy needs compared with uninfected children; with energy needs increasing by 10 percent in asymptomatic HIV-infected children. In HIV-infected children experiencing weight loss, energy needs are increased by 50 percent to 100 percent. Thus, timely nutrition intervention especially in the first year of life is most likely to help prevent complications due to malnutrition.

Children in East Africa like those in any other developing countries are subject to chronic food deficiencies and therefore to malnutrition. The situation is worse for those born to HIV-infected parents who may be experiencing AIDS already. HIV and AIDS adversely affect food and nutrition security in those households having the disease. Thus, on the death of their parents especially the mother HIV-infected children are left helpless resulting in immediate malnutrition and early death.

Reliance on relief foods that are normally distributed by donor organizations including UNICEF seems not to be sustainable and is less preferred by the children and their caregivers. Such relief foods have different tastes compared to the local culinary tastes that the children and their caregivers are accustomed to. Consequently, the foods are not consumed but rather sold out. Giving the caregivers money to buy food for their children is equally of less importance because experience shows that the money is diverted to the purchase of other immediate needs instead of food.

Therefore, the proposed project is aimed at determining the potentiality of locally available cereals and legumes as complementary foods for HIV-infected children in East Africa. It tends to blend the commonly used legumes and cereals to prepare energy and micronutrient dense foods that will provide adequate energy and micronutrients especially antioxidant minerals such as zinc and selenium, and antioxidant vitamins like vitamins A and E. The blends will be affordable by most of the caregivers looking after such children in the region. The proposed project is the first of its kind in the region and if financed and implemented it is expected to be a major break through in the nutrition of HIV-infected children in resource limited setting.

All ideas and any form of financial assistance are highly welcome. Let us support practical researchers with big hearts for the well being of our people.

For further information regarding the proposed project, please contact the project chief:

Alex Mokori

Makerere University

Department of Food Science and Technology

P.O. Box 7062

Kampala, Uganda (East Africa).

Phone: +256-774-177366

A blog about Organic Kelp Powder

Organic Kelp PowderKelp on the way

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:58:39 EDT
Any gardener living near the Northeast or Northwest coast, where kelp grows, ought to consider collecting some. It's the best seaweed for the garden....

Natural Health - Pretty sporty: if you're going to swim, hike, or camp this summer, make these additions to your routine to keep your skin and hair healthy

Sun, 01 Jul 2007 07:00:00 GMT
July 1, 2007 -- swimming WATER IS a meditative medium, but it can wreak havoc on your hair and skin. Ultraviolet rays are more intense when they reflect off water,...

Juice Feasting Supplements and Superfoods

Mon, 01 Sep 2008 12:10:51 EDT
Pure Synergy (a blend of 60 plants, herbs and superfoods), MSM, Cascara Sagrada, Chanca Piedra, Kelp, Cayenne, the blue-green algaes: ... All of the botanicals in Ocean Energy are wild crafted or cultivated without pesticides. All added nutrients are organic....

New Life Journal - Applachian Farms: taking the tobacco road to sustainability - Blue Hill Organic Farm

Sun, 01 Dec 2002 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 2002 -- Editor's Note: Enjoy: this first of a series of profiles of local sustainable farmers sponsored by the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture project....

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