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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

natural food Reviews and information

natural foodProtein Supplements to Improve Health

Most of us find their source for protein by eating foods like eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, vegetables, and meat. The recommended daily value is about 50g of protein based on a 2000 calorie diet (you should consult your healthcare professional to discuss your unique dietary needs). Some individuals require additional protein in their current diet which maybe needed to improve skin health, muscle strength, reduce wound healing time, and build the immunity system. Typically the following groups require extra protein are bariatric patients, renal patients, cancer patients, surgical patients, seniors, and body builders who need to build muscle.

Protein powders are made from whey, and is and excellent source of protein because of its amino acid profile, peptide profile, and digestibility. Whey is produced when milk is processed into cheese. Protein powder is usually mixed with a liquid. You can make a simple and delicious protein shake by blending ice, milk or juice and your choice of fruit. An example of a medical grade whey protein is Beneprotein.

Liquid proteins can be made from collagen hydrolysate, made from predigested papain, a fruit enzyme. This hydrolyzed protein increases absorption and assimilation because the large protein molecules are broken down into free amino acids and polypeptides. This method for protein supplement provides a high dose of protein in a single ounce. It can be easily mixed with many foods and beverages without clumping or decrease the food's palatability. Where protein powders may leave a gritty feeling if not mixed properly. Examples of liquid proteins are Pro-Stat and Proteinex. IsoPure is a whey protein isolate in a clear liquid form.

Additional protein can be found in nutritional supplements like Boost Plus and Ensure Plus.

When using these protein supplements you should consult your healthcare provider to monitor your usage of such products. For more information, please visit

Noah Lam has over 15 years of experience of providing high quality medical supplies and healthcare products from Acute Care Facilities to parents and children. His company, CWI Medical is a leading provider of protein supplements to healthcare facilities and for home use. In addition, CWI Medical is an ACHC Accredited organization maintaining standards of excellence in the Healthcare Field. For more information, please visit

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Sprout Bags for health

Sprout Bags DiscussionNaturally Green Blog - Acne

It does not take a lot of effort to make your meal more exciting, and adding variety with mushrooms will spice it up. Changing an everyday item for one that is extraordinary will please every pallet and make you look like a gourmet chef!

Emma Snow is a gourmet and freelance writer. Writing for Gourmet Living and BBQ Shop .
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Naturally Green Blog - Acne

Sprout BagsWaste not with green goods - Toronto Star

Thu, 18 Dec 2008 09:46:29 GMT

Waste not with green goods
Toronto Star, Canada - Dec 18, 2008
"Within a week to 10 days, they start to sprout and you've got beautiful wildflowers," she says. The 12-year-old company, which has recently begun shipping ...

Sprout BagsA Quick Guide to Asbestos and Health Issues

Unless you have been completely out of touch, you have probably heard all the hubbub about the dangers of asbestos. So, what is the big deal?

A Quick Guide to Asbestos and Health Issues

Asbestos is a fibrous material that is highly resistant to burning. It has a long history. While it was first used on a large scale commercial basis at the turn of the twentieth century, it has actually been around much longer. In fact, the ancient Egyptians were known for using it burial clothes.

Common modern applications used to include building materials, products and automobile brake pads, which all required a fire resistant element. Asbestos is still used today, but on a fairly small scope. The reason has everything to do with health. Asbestos in and of itself is not harmful to people. What is harmful, however, is asbestos dust.

Asbestos dust is a vicious thing. Due to the chemical makeup of the material, the dust is like a cloud of fine glass particles. While they will not damage your skin, they do great damage to the lungs. Making matters worse, asbestos dust is so fine that it is easily raised from asbestos material like ceiling tiles and walls. Once in the air, it is all but invisible. Prolonged exposure, such as when working on or in a building with asbestos materials, can result in massive amounts of the toxic dust entering the lungs.

Once asbestos dust is in your lungs, you cannot expel it by coughing. That doesn't mean the body does not try. Asbestosis is scarring of the lungs from acid created by the body in an effort to get the asbestos dust out. If this process is allowed to occur for 10 to 20 years, the lungs may stop functioning because of excess scarring. If that sounds bad, it only gets worse. Asbestos dust can lead to terminal cancer in the form of mesothelioma. [What is Mesothelioma?]

Asbestos is an excellent fire resistant material that saves us from burning while killing us in a much slower manner. Since 1989, it has been banned in the United States in all but a few commercial areas.

About the Author

Gerard Simington is with - offering asbestos and mesothelioma legal information.


Liquorice Root Reviews and information

Liquorice RootTCM: chilblains - South China Morning Post

Sun, 11 Jan 2009 14:43:00 GMT
In winter small, itchy, painful swellings may appear on the skin after exposure to the cold. This is chilblains: the name is a combination of the words chill and blain, the latter ...

Eat for Immunity - Kirsten Hartvig
