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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nutrition article

NutritionObesity and Health

Millions of people today are considered obese. Obese weight levels are anything over 25% body mass. To find your body mass you can go to the Internet and find a BMI (body mass index calculator. Extreme obesity can cause many health issues relating to your weight because the body has to be able to carry the weight.

With weight problems, you will most likely experience high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. The weight that surrounds your heart makes the heart have to function at a more difficult pace. The heart will begin to strain trying to provide the brain blood and oxygen. It's also the reason for high blood pressure. Many people who are over weight tend to develop diet problems and become diabetic.

There are many factors that can cause a person to become diabetic and the food and drinks that you consume is a major factor. People who consume a lot of sugar in their every-day diet may become diabetic. Diabetes is something to be alarmed about. It can cause the body to go into a sugar coma and many people have died because it.

Today, society does seem to put a lot of pressure on people to be thin. It's considered beautiful. In some cultures outside of the United States, being heavy is considered beautiful. Dieting has nothing to do with beauty. Dieting is mainly a way to reduce the weight of a body and it may not be in direct relation to beauty.

If you find that you are over weight than for your own sake and health it is best that you find a way to shed the extra pounds. Dieting doesn't have to be difficult, by eating right according to the food pyramid and getting some proper exercise you can easily lose the weight. Most diets will even let you have items from the goodies box on the pyramid. In theory, you can eat whatever you want but in little consumptions. That means no super sizing.

Obese people should not feel the pressure to be thin because of beauty but they should want to lose the weight for themselves and their health. Even a walk around the house or making your bed can give your body a good start towards becoming healthy. The side effect of being heavy is too devastating to your health to not want to take control of your diet and life.

About the Author

For more information about health and how you can live a healthy life, please visit the website:

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2. Address Emotional Issues

Just like fitness, your emotions are an integral part of your nutrition. You've probably had the experience of hearing a piece of bad news and suddenly losing your appetite. This shows that emotions are an integral part of how your body processes food. It's an essential part of your health.

Often people jump into a raw-food diet, hoping that it will help them �clear emotional problems�, when in fact it puts these problems right in their face and they can't deal with it!
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January 1, 2007 -- Konsyl Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Easton, MD, has introduced Konsyl Original as a powder-form, natural fiber supplement and bowel normalizer. Providing...


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Good sources of fiber include: oat bran, nuts, fruit skins, root vegetables, carrots, psyllium husks, and flaxseed. ... You can also find fiber supplements in the form of chewable tablets, capsules, and scoop-able powder....

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Type in a couple of womens health fitness keywords into Google or any one of the many search engines and what do you get? You get some great sites related to womens health fitness and more

There are tons of womens health fitness websites some are little more than advertisements but many others provide a terrific supply of information relating to womens issues. Scientific research, data from studies, health conditions, nutrition, and fitness, as well as prevention and treatment information.

It?s important for women to get accurate information about issues that directly relate to their health and that includes the latest on womens health fitness. What was thought the best advice only a year or so ago has now been improved.

For example today it is a well known fact that women suffer heart attacks at the same rate as men but they often present differently to emergency wards to many go undiagnosed. It has also bee shown that womens health fitness is critical to keeping women healthier especially after menopause when their natural protection dwindles.

Studies have also shown that women health fitness can make a big difference in a womens ability to maintain here weight. It seems after 40 women get the privilege of a few extra pounds suddenly appearing around the waste line and so with some proper exercise routines you can better defy mother nature.

Womens health fitness is finally getting the same attention that mens has for decades. Suddenly we realize that besides helping to keep the pounds off women also need to make sure that they are taking care of their cardio workouts.

This brings us to another subject ? weight loss. For many women this is an ongoing battle that?s not easy to resolve. Many would love to convince you that you need all kinds of diet pills to lose those pounds when really what you need is much simpler. You need to ensure that the calories you are burning exceed the calories you are taking in.

There are plenty of excellent health fitness resource sites for women and there are just as many terrific magazines that are full of helpful exercise tips, nutritional tips, and all kinds of tips to have you looking and feeling great. And isn?t that what all women want? To look and feel their best?

Women may a great deal more attention to how they look and feel then men do. In general women are much more in tune to the signals their bodies are sending them and they are also much more interested in health fitness and how it affects their overall well being.

Men are more interested in fitness to great a buff, polished look although slowly they are beginning to recognize and understand the value of a cardio workout. Women on the other hand have long understood how their health fitness and their overall well being were directly related. And for one to have a terrific overall well being they needed to have a good health fitness ethic.

So the only question that remains is which type of health fitness program best suits your own personal lifestyle and goals.

About the Author:

Get all the latest information about Fitness from the only true source at Be sure to check out our health fitness pages.

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Another blog about Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies TopicsHeart Attacks

16. Eat regularly throughout the day.

Fasting or overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight - in the short run, because the weight you lose is primarily water weight and lean muscle mass. In the long run, it has exactly the opposite effect you want. When you restrict your diet, your body instinctively thinks it's being starved and shifts into a protective mode by storing fat. Energy expenditures are fueled by your lean muscles. Therefore your body fat remains essentially the same and you lose vital fluids and muscle instead. The less muscle you have, the slower your metabolism becomes, and the less fat you burn. Instead of eating three big meals (or worse yet, one HUGE meal) eat five or six nutritionally balanced "snack/meals" each day. This keeps your metabolic furnace stoked, so you burn more at a faster rate. I know, it's counter-intuitive, but it's true!
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[ Atherosclerosis Sequence Image ]
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